Because I am “The Bride” and I loved getting married so, so, so, so much, today’s post is a tribute to our wedding and everyone involved in it. :] The day I married Zack was an incredible day. We were married on June 7th at my home church. We had the traditional, “let’s not see… [Read More]
It is Friday and I am SO glad! For some reason this week was particularly tiring. I have no clue why. I worked every day…? Well, never mind, I did work every day. Zack took a day off this week because he was sick, and last week I took a day off. Not only do… [Read More]
Dear Bonnie Bell…
Ya know, it’s a good thing it’s getting cooler out, because right now that means one thing: craft season!!! Now that summer has passed and I can’t spend meaningless hours tanning myself outside… Not that I had time for that this year because I, ummm, had to work full-time all summer for the first time… [Read More]
my poochie
In case anyone was wondering… if anyone has been checking our Facebook accounts… YES, we are looking for a puppy. Of course we have to ask the owners of the house we are renting… and we have to come up with some money, and we need to decide on what kind of puppy to get…. [Read More]
scarves, pumpkins, and inspiration
This little bug has made its way into our home, and I’ve had enough! First I was sick for almost a week, and now Zack is sick. We’re each taking turns staying home from work this year I suppose. We are having fun celebrating our first fall together as a married couple. We had a… [Read More]
a lengthly re-cap
I’m just about to finish up my first week of work at my new job. It is a lovely change from where I was working before we moved. Little things like better lighting, having my own desk (and it’s HUGE!!!), and a not so detailed employee handbook. It’s just a little more laid back in… [Read More]
…She’s employed!
It’s happened! I have a job! It’s been three short weeks and now on Monday I’ll be working again from 8-4:30. What a perfect shift (and perfect timing). I have worked so, so hard to find a job. It has been nice being at home and taking a break from the whole work “thing,” but… [Read More]
Back to work?! yes please!
I’m so ready to be working again. It’s very tiring trying to sell yourself to a company for hours a day, day after day. I don’t even know if half of these companies have any openings in their editorial department, I just call them up and say on their answering machine, “Hi, My name is… [Read More]
whew! lots of work
We had a super hard weekend full of WORK this past Labor Day. It was great to spend time together on our home… painting and heat is always lots of fun ;) I’ll post some pictures soon of what we’ve done to the place… I hope we like it in a few months, haha. It’s… [Read More]