I haven’t been a mama for that long, less than a handful of years, but I have learned a few tricks that keep us afloat. You know the days when everything seems to be spiraling down the drain. All the littles are crying: the middle one is tired and so she’s tripping and stumbling all over the house. The youngest can’t keep her belly full, and the oldest is emptying his bedroom dresser. Chaos is common around here, and thankfully I’ve found a solution that works wonders ;)
Ready for it?
Food, sleep, and time outside.
These three tricks are a magical remedy! And they don’t just work on the kids — they work for me, too!
The first couple of months postpartum, I LIVE on these solutions.
The next couple of months post-postpartum, I STILL LIVE on these solutions.
Not a mama? Don’t be discouraged. Maybe you’re a new business owner, or an established business owner, or a world traveler, or a scientist, or a writer, or something entirely different. These solutions will work for you, I can almost guarantee it :)
We are all creatives, because we were made by the master Creative, and so in everything we do, in all that we have yet to do, we need to fill our bodies will healthy food, plenty of rest, and a good dose of time outside. Otherwise? We can’t make our art.
So, are you feeling grumpy? Eat a good meal. Are you having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day? Create a nest, and go to bed. Are you in a rut? Go outside.
Try these three tricks, and your day (and life) will feel totally restored.
Now go on, you’ve got art to make! :)
Love these words, they are the truest of true!
XOXO!! Great post :)