Ya know, when we get right down to it, we’re not that different from one another. We may have different hobbies or day jobs or hair styles, but we’re both women who work very hard to take care of our families, friends, and selves. And that makes me breathe a long sigh of relief. We also need encouragement to float through our lives like a comforting gust of wind. Constantly and always, right? And sometimes we cry out for the gust to surround us.
I texted Zack this morning and wrote, “I love you so much. I know we’ll get through this difficult stage of life. I mean, we’re not the first ones to be overwhelmed with parenting and life’s purpose, right?”
And he wrote, “Exactly right.”
Did I just see you nod your head in agreement? I thought so :)
Also today, while cleaning up lunch, I had another “cheerleader” moment.
I told myself, “Maggie, you will get through today! The kids will stop fighting. You’ll be able to take a few minutes to paint your nails. You are fully equipped for today, and everything you need you have nearby!”
These days are so very hard for me. There’s a lot I keep to myself, which I realize is probably why they’re so very hard. It’s easy to feel discouraged; I often do. It’s easy to feel exhausted; I often am. It’s easy to feel frumpy or dull or overwhelmed or stuck; I often feel these things.
But you know what? We are our best cheerleaders! We really are! Like I wrote just a couple sentences prior: You are fully equipped for today, and everything you need you have nearby!
Sometimes this means asking for help. Sometimes this means giving yourself a pep talk. Sometimes this means calling your mom so she can remind you of something she shared with you that was ultra encouraging. Sometimes this means treating yourself to something fun so you can “get through” five more minutes of crazy. Sometimes this means saying NO to all your negative thoughts or frustrations. Think happy thoughts!
Don’t let your difficulties overcrowd the beauty in your life.
Cheer yourself on, and remember you are fully equipped for today! You are your best cheerleader because you are always with your self. Do not forget this, and make sure you have this girl in your life :) #highkick
Thanks so much Maggie for sharing! I just had one of those days if not a whole week…we have had lice over here. Everything needed to be washed from bed linens to sofa cushions and stuffed animals. They say these days you only need to put the stuffed animals away in bags for a few days but I was just so grossed out that it all went in the washer and dryer. So a fews days passed and apparantly they came back or we didn’t get them all so today again everything got washed and all treated. Kids fighting and whining and all…I was really, really tired and frustrated. Just being reminded that we are all in this together and even though you have this beautiful blog and just always look so perfect in your pictures doesn’t mean you don’t have the same struggles. We all do as mothers and wifes and women in general. So thank you again so much for sharing this and for your honesty always! Next time I will try to be more a cheerleader to myself and remind myself I am fully equipped. Thanks!! Much love and strength to in these beautiful and so tough times. ;)
Oh friend, maybe I need to be writing more about how I’m doing. I feel like I’m failing some days, like the whole day feels like a wash because I was impatient or tired or hungry or feeling like what I’m doing doesn’t matter enough. I’m not creative enough or happy enough or able to keep our home tidy often enough. Zack and I argue a whole lot these days, we always reconcile but it kills me we argue in the first place. Max isn’t kind to his friends, Natalie is bossy, and Marigold has so many doctor appointments for her kidneys that I feel stressed out 24/7. She is doing well, but I worry about her future. Sweet baby girl. My feelings of not being creative enough are really strong these days. Did I mention that? ;)
I’m so sorry you’ve been dealing with lice. I can imagine something similar when we all had the stomach flu earlier this year. SO MUCH WASHING! UGH. It was horrible. I appreciate your comments so much and am super grateful you’re a part of this community. HUGS! :)
SO needed this today. My almost 15 month old is trying to drop a nap but has been getting up at 5am every single morning. I’m not a morning person but I’ve been trying to get up before she does to have quiet time with Jesus and shower but not with her waking up at 5am ;) So I definitely needed this encouragement today and I only have one little ;) You are doing an amazing job :)
Don’t be afraid to think outside the box with your daughter :) and let me know I if you’d like to brainstorm together!!! So grateful for your comment.
That would be awesome:)she actually woke up st her normal time this morning:) we decided she’s not ready for one nap since she’s such a early riser .
What’s something you want to improve with her? And fill me in on your current routine/plan!
Yes, these are hard days with littles when it’s so much easier to say “I have to” instead of “I get to” (I have to wash the dishes, instead of I get to feed my family good home-cooked food). We’ll all keep fighting our private battles for love and peace in our homes – thanks for putting the fight into words we can all agree on. :) And rest as much as you can – my sleep-deprived self is my least favorite self, but it’s only a season. (says a mom with a 2 1/2 year old and an 8 month old, who hasn’t slept through the night in years)
Ok, a couple things! I love your perspective on “I get to” verses “I have to”, that is so so wise! And yes, absolutely totally agree for sure, my sleep-deprived self is my worst version of me. And also a little lol to the “haven’t slept in years” thing, I HEAR YOU SISTER!
Oh gosh, thank you so much for this <3
Needed this BAD today. We’ve been in an exhausted little funk lately and I loved reading this. Prayers to you and your whole family for energy!! Our third is on the way, and I really struggled adding our second child so I’m so scared of what 3 will be like. But your beautiful energy and words encourage me sooo much that I’ll be able to do it !! I’m equipped I deleted my Facebook account so I could really focus my energy and attention on my family and myself so I can’t “Like” your posts on there anymore, so Comments it is xoxo!
Well, I love your comments so hooray for deleting Facebook. And great job knowing it was time to do that! And like someone else shared with a comment, “my sleep deprived self is the worst version of me”… Don’t be afraid to take lots of naps!!! I nap almost every day ;D
It feels hard because it IS HARD! If we knew, going in, what lay ahead — we would probably opt-out. But we don’t, so we cope. I can guarantee — 100% guarantee — someday when they are older you will look back and wonder how you managed to do what you did. We who have all that behind us remember and we know what you are feeling. Back in my day we didn’t have blogs and online helps….so enjoy!
Amen, & Amen!!! This is SO true. I’m sorry you’ve been struggling.. I can’t imagine what it’s like with 3, but I’ve got two sweet babies that are 14 months apart… I’ve only just started feeling like I can breathe! I think there’s a certain period where we moms just feel like we’re drowning. I keep reminding myself: “With Jesus & ice coffee I can do anything.”
We have to be the leaders of our own cheer. ;-)
Seriously — hooray for you that you’re turning a corner, babies 14 months apart is no easy task! :) and thank you for your comment!!!
Thank you for the post. Know you got this, and it’s just a season. I know I beat myself up a lot with working full time, being a wife, and mommy to a 2 year old. I’m about to turn 31 in a couple of weeks, and man seeing that makes me feel old. When you wrote about feeling frumpy and dull I am right there with you. We are all on the same team and yes we need to love/cheer each other on! So thankful for your posts because they remind me I’m not alone in this world as a wife and mommy.
XOXO — so glad you posted a comment!!!
Ah, friend, I’ve so been there! Just take it day by day, and I promise, I promise, I promise, things will get easier. This stage of life is crazy, messy, beautiful, and most certainly not under our control. Just take it day by day.
…”and most certainly not under our control,” — I have nothing more to add! &hearts!
[…] has it been over three weeks since my last published post? I could have swore I wrote something since then (perhaps only in my head?)… But alas, I have […]