Max had his first cleaning at the dentist recently, and HOORAY — we live close enough that he rode his bike! It was a beautiful morning, I kind of wish they were a little farther away so we could have gone on a longer walk. It was a quick appointment, and high five for having no cavities!
I asked Max a couple of questions about his first visit:
Mama: did you enjoy going to the dentist?
Max: (nods head yes) you came with me!
Mama: what was the best part?
Max: nothing
Mama: what did the dentist do to your teeth?
Max: he cleaned them. And they have fishies!
Mama: do you want to go back to the dentist?
Max: (eyebrows raised way high) YES!
And since I couldn’t stop thinking about going on a longer walk, once we were home we picked up the girls and went on a second walk in our neighborhood :) I’m SO glad Spring is here! We really missed having a change in seasons.
Short answers: traits of boys!
Looking forward to a bit of a warmer week in Michigan. Enjoy!!
haha, oh yes! ;D except for the times when he has so so so so so so so so so so so so so much to say. Did I write enough, “so”s?
So cute!! That makes going to the dentist a lot more fun!! Hope all is well, praying for your whole family and particularly little Goldie’s kidneys!!
Thank you, Mara! We are super grateful for her most-of-the-time good health. It has been a windy road, definitely stressful at times, but truly so grateful for her seemingly good health. We just have to figure out what IS going on, she is throwing the doctors a couple curve balls.
[…] had a dentist appointment yesterday morning, and it’s close enough that we can walk to it. I find this amazing since we are back in the Midwest suburbs, and this isn’t always […]