When life is good it ticks by fast, so during this season of “good life” I want to pause to remember…
– the kitchen counter piled high with dishes from a delicious meal
– Maxwell talking to Siri by mostly telling her dada, mama (pronounced “muma”), Nony (Natalie) and no no nooooooo
– babies who nap through the lawn maintenance hour (so odd to hear these sounds in January considering I grew up in Michigan)
– what Max’s favorite things are: running, reading books, the occasional cookie, telling us what things are hot, pointing out who the items in our home belong to (so cute)
– good books within reach (currently loving this design book)
– the awesome relationship I have with my older brother, Matt
– the way Natalie smiles at me when I crouch down to her face and talk to her
– that I’m never too proud to own multiple journals and lip balms
– how we’re teaching Max how to count to 10 and say each letter of the alphabet
– the way Max so generously gives Natalie kisses
– that showering at night is the way to go, and the less hair products I use the better my hair is (this texturizing spray is the good stuff)
– how grateful I am to have Zack as my husband and friend.
*This post is brought to you by baby wearing. Affiliate links used throughout, meaning I will earn a small commission on any items purchased.
What a beautiful list.