This giveaway is closed. Congratulations to Erin Fraser – please check your email :) Thanks to everyone who participated and to Staples for supplying this giveaway.
My work schedule has changed drastically since giving birth almost five months ago. Of course the daytime hours I have available to work have come to a near-dead halt [snort]. Before March I didn’t quite understand how limited a new mother’s workday was; now I totally understand. It’s taken some practice but I’m finally feeling a bit more like my sassy, spunky working self ;)
I think deep down I was just wasn’t as prepared as the gal next door with how little I’d truly be able to work on my business during the daytime. Maybe it’s the fact I’m still recovering from our life-changing move to California? I can’t totally put my finger on it.
But, there’s one more thing I wasn’t prepared for…
And that’s how my mind would change after giving birth. I shared a little bit about how I juggle Indie Biz and mamahood here. If you haven’t read it yet it’s a simple yet enlightening read about my day-to-day.
But, back to my mind.
Those ideas I have? Most days they slip out like vapors — disappearing before I even have time to store them in my pocket. These last few months I’ve been reminding myself daily this is OK; this is normal. However my mind and body responds to having had a baby is perfect and beautiful and absolutely alright.
It’s OK that things are different for me. It’s OK, because each day is spent with our dream baby.
And so I’ve been slowly learning how to work around those vaporing ideas. It hasn’t been easy. Sometimes I feel like chasing my dreams is a s l o w chase. The slowest chase ever. But I’m getting there :)
One tip I’ve learned to keeping things moving forward with Gussy Sews is to have my phone near me so I can type myself a quick note. Another tip is having a tablet to work on during the quite hours. It’s been very encouraging to have these two pieces of technology to help me to stay on-track with work.
^ the home screen, which has a “slide to unlock” feature — hey, cutie!
And guess what? Staples is sponsoring a giveaway today where one lucky U.S. reader from the Gussy Sews community will win a Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 — just like mine shown above, yeow!
* It’s lightweight and comes with a stylus pen [did you know you can write with it and the tablet will translate your notes to text?]
* There are hundreds of downloadable apps — think Twitter, Facebook, WordPress, Amazon, Google+ Hangouts, Kayak, Gmail, Instagram — that make working during the day happen quickly and easily
* With a simple swipe [top to bottom, across the screen] you can access any updates with your apps — like email and Instagram — similar to how the iPhone offers you quick access to your updates
* I can easily read my favorite blogs, including discovering new blogs
* Replying to blog post comments is a breeze!
* The screen is large and everything looks so crisp
^ I can easily update the Gussy Sews shop
^ and replying to comments left on my blog is so easy!
Last week, while in Colorado for a wedding, I brought my Samsung tablet. I knew I wouldn’t have much time to work and I was curious how easy it really would be to work while in another state with just a tablet. My findings? It was so easy! I loved how handy it was to have around.
Want to win a Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0? Follow the rafflecopter prompts below to enter. This giveaway is open to US residents only.

With 5 little kids, I think my day to day life is adventure enough for now! A tablet would help us stay a bit more organized:)
I am a busy mom and it would be wonderful to be able to write down what I need to do and I’d like to be able to access mail anytime.
Love it!
I would use this tablet to keep my thoughts and ideas easily remembered. I would keep an eye on my Etsy shop, and be on the look out for great new fabrics to grow…..
Right now this would be amazing w/our little girl in the NICU and our other 3 kids & Hubby we have been super busy so I can already see once School comes about it will double and I would love to have everything in one place where I could jot down all my to do’s of my soon to get even more crazy busy life. Thanks so much for the chance.
Ooooh I’m such a OCD with organisation… I have a diary and a to do list book that I carry around EVERYWHERE! I would use a tablet to be super organised! Keep up to date with my etsy, ebay, blog etc! I am currently pregnant and due in 3 weeks eeek… so reading your blog entries has certainly prepared me for what to expect in my family/work life split…so a tablet would make the transition 10 times easier!!!
How generous of you to offer us a chance to win this!
I’ve been an apple girl for a while…but i might be willing to switch it up…
Being in nursing school, this would be great as I would be able to access all of my textbooks from it and not have to carry 50 pounds of books (that might be an exaggeration…if so, not by much) around!
Trying to start a small handmade hair accessories/ bows shop for little girls. This would so help to keep me organized. Something to go to when I’m not at home and need to work on my business. This wound be so nice to have something of my own, instead of having to use my husbands laptop or pry my phone away from my daughter. ( she loves her app games)
We just got back from a family vacation in the Black Hills and this would have been perfect to entertain us during our down times!
I have a 3 year old and I’m also working on my B.S. in Elementary Education. My school has an app I can use to do my homework, make updates to my schedule and school information, and stay in touch with my teachers. I would totally love to be able to use the app, as well as carry it with me when I need it.
With working full time, I would love to have one for my Etsy biz on the side!!
I’d love to use the tablet for answers to comments and shop updates too! {I just finished that book too – so great!}
xo, Becky
If I won this tablet, I would like to take it with me everywhere. Nursing school for taking quick notes and easy access to the Internet without lugging around my laptop, to relax by the lake, where I hope to start a blog of my own, and to keep tabs on all of my appointments, clinicals for nursing school, my work schedule, and to keep my to-do lists all in one place. It would be such a big help to have a tablet to carry around with me, to keep my busy life more organized!
I would love to use the Galaxy tablet to replace my current tablet, which is dying slowly! It would be great for both personal use and to keep in touch with work.
I think you are never really prepared for the changes a new baby brings. Add in living in a new state, that makes it even harder. You are doing a great job at a hard job!
It looks like you have everything under control, Maggie. I would love using a tablet instead of my phone all the time.
Oh this would so help with organizing my little household! It would be so handy to take to work with me, too!
I also have a little one that I take care of day to day and I’m working on starting a photography business. This would be a great, portable sidekick!
As a working momma too this would be perfect to keep all my schedules organized! Thanks for this opportunity!!!
I would love to win this! An iPad is just not happening right now and I think this would be an awesome alternative!
I would love to win this! I’m a new mom as well and staying organized has been much more challenging!
This tablet would go EVERYWHERE with us! Visiting family all over the country, occupying my daughter at the doctor’s office, hanging out with me as I nurse the baby, everywhere!
And we’re already a Samsung family, I’d love to add the Note to my Galaxy phone!
This would be perfect for my college classes! I have the s3 phone which is much smaller scaled and I get headaches when writing papers on it! Thanks for the giveaway!
I’m going back to work after being a SAHM for 7 years! Would love something like this to keep me organized!!
I totally hear you about ideas vaporizing. Since our son was born 7 months ago, I feel like I have to write everything down or I will completely forget. A tablet would be so helpful for keeping my to-do list organized!
This would be a valuable tool for scheduling the boys homeschool. My oldest son is studying robotics and could take his online courses using the Samsung Galaxy Note.
As a single, on the go, working momma of 1.. I would use it literally everywhere! Love following your journey, Gussy, and your product!
This would be an awesome gift in so many ways! Being able to blog and catch up on email while my daughter is at dance would be sweet!
What a great idea! I feel like I’m spinning my wheels but getting nowhere quick these days. I love scooting over to your blog each morning to hear all about your adventures. Thank you for sharing such a fun giveaway!
Thank you for giving all of us a chance to win this amazing prize! This would be sooooo helpful for me to keep track of everything for me personally and for my business!
I just want to say you are adorable and Max is adorable x2
if I lived in LA I would apply for your sewing position in a heartbeat. ;)
I am trying to get my thoughts organized still…and my daughter is two years old. But it gets better, WAY better as your mind sorts itself out. I always reflect on the fact that now you have another person’s schedule/needs to manage on top of your own and that data simply overrides the former data for the first little bit.
Anyways, I would LOVE to win this tablet so I could stay on top of a few more things myself!
Looks like exactly what I need!
Would be perfect you use while at my daughters ballet practice or just jot down a quick note without having to go find paper and pen.
I my almost 2 week old son and I are getting the hang of nursing and while I’m pumping, this would be great to keep this new mom occupied!
Oh my goodness this would come in handy for me being a Mom of four!! :)
How awesome!! I would love to win!!!! :) Thank u!!
I’ll soon have 4 kids under 3 years old… My second set of twins will be born in September! This tablet would SOOOO help me to keep our household running smoothly – I could keep track of appointments, chores to do, errands to run, etc. And I could read blogs/play games while breastfeeding the new babies :)
Mt advebture is mommyhood and I’d use it to be more productive
This is so awesome! I literally feel like my brain is in my devices. I use my ipod for everything! And this would make it so much easier! Thanks for sharing your love and for letting us know how you do it!
I don’t have any big adventures planned right now, but I’m home with my 3 month old and think a tablet could make life a little easier. Fingers crossed!
I would love a tablet, I would find it most helpful in the kitchen. I use a lot of recipes online or from kindle cookbooks.
Our next adventure is to go to our son’s Army graduation. I could use this for driving directions and maps to find our way.
I’d love to have a tablet for when I travel. I hate bringing my laptop when I fly because it’s heavy and the battery is old and doesn’t hold much charge. My family is dreaming of a European vacation, and this tablet would be perfect to pack!
I would expand my world to include some more educational adventures — this would be great for taking Craftsy classes on at the sewing table!
I just launched my own massage therapy business, and having a tablet would help a lot with marketing and networking!
I just had a baby myself less then a week ago. I also have 2 very active toddlers, anything to help stay organized would be great! Thanks for the chance to win!
Would love to try a Galaxy!
My first baby gal was born just a couple days after your Maxwell. It’s been so fun “journeying along” with you as a new mama! The galaxy note sounds amazing. I just started a blog and am opening up an etsy business in a couple weeks. That thing would be so so handy!
Oooooo I’ve been wanting a tablet so bad!!!! Thanks for the review :-)
We are expecting our first baby in a few months! I would love to use this tablet wherever we go, also to help keep me organized!
Could definitely use this to keep track of all my busy mom stuff :) Kid and work schedules, dinner planning, couponing!
This would be a tremendous blessing for all the driving we do in the summer for mountain bike races. With three kids, it’s a challenge to keep them all happy in the car and this would be awesome to have along for the ride!
With my brain cells jumping ship each day, this would be a fabulous way to take
care of business and pleasure! :)
I’m just starting an Etsy business and blog, so the Galaxy Note 8.0 would be great to help me stay organized and connected on the go. I also want to give you a big thank you Gussy, because it’s through your encouraging blog posts that I was brave enough to give Etsy and blogging a try. THANK YOU!!!
As a Mom to 4 little ones (4 & under) and owning a design business & blog – being at the computer is quite difficult during daylight hours. This little gem would be FAB to have while being outside with the little ones or even just being down on the floor with them!
What a fun fun give away :)
I would take this tablet on my trip to Colorado and use it to assist with navigation, and documenting our experiences we have!
love it! would come in handy to this mom of two!
Would love to win. This tablet looks like the perfect way to get organized!
If I won this I would give it to my sister, she is workingvon trying to get her business going and has a toddler. It would be perfect for her to use on the go.
I’ve been itching for a tablet mostly to read more, this would be great!
I own a business with my husband which is always an adventure! I would love something like this to make things smoother to run all the little details:)
I’d use the tablet to help me get organzied in one place (work stuff, kids school stuff, kids activities etc)
Thanks for the chance.
I’ve heard so many amazing things about this tablet, can’t wait to possibly try it in the future.
There were a lot of things I hadn’t anticipated about motherhood. But it has been the most rewarding job of my life!
And my kids would be so excited if we owned one of these tablets!
I’d love to have something portable like this to keep track of my endless to do lists!! :)
What an amazing giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win. Crazy how fast the little ones grow.
Your little boy is so adorable! I had a baby a few months ago and I have noticed how much it has changed my mind as well. This tablet would help me keep my day to day life a little more organized :)
This would be awesome for our long road trips to and from daughter’s college and oldest son’s home in the Pacific NW.
I would use it to finish up my work at my son’s baseball games… thanks for the giveaway!
I work full-time and I have been preparing to take night classes over the last few months. It would be a great tool to use for my ever-growing list of responsibilities for my job and for school. Love your blog!
I have a number of work at home jobs in order to stay home with my baby (and the one on the way). This product would rock my world.
This is a great giveaway! I could really use something like this!
Your such a cute momma. Being a parent is hard and juggling a at home handmade business is very tricky! I am glad there are gadgets out there to help out! I could really use one!
It would be great to have a new tool for my new home made biz :)
I would be helpful since im starting nursing school!! Hope i win :) thx for the chance to win.
I would love to give a new tablet a try. I have my mini for reading but this sounds like a great tool for business. And I love the size.
I am a mom , wife, nurse, teacher, and small business owner. I work mostly at home running our business and I am a new blogger. On top of that, our daughter is a competitive dancer. I am in my car most of the afternoon and evening driving her around. It is a blessed life, but I sure could use a tablet so I could work while she dances. I don’t own a laptop or a tablet and this would be such a blessing for me! I don’t do Facebook or Twitter – blogging and IG take all of my computer time -so I can’t use those entries:( But thanks for this opportunity! I am looking forward to the Gussy Club in September! Susan
Yes, yes, and yes! As a mama myself working on expanding my soap business, I love your ideas here!
I’ve been considering one of these for a while now- for the very same reasons! I have a one year old, and I think I’d be so much more productive with a tablet versus dragging my laptop out every time I need to get something done. Thank you for this opportunity!
I would love to use it as a travel journal and go to Hawaii!
I’d love to take mine on vacation and record what we did everyday! It wouldbe the perfect note-taking tool! :)
I would be able to use that tablet to update my Etsy shop and respond to emails, etc. I could even use it to update all of my social media!
I have the Samsung Galaxy SIII phone and I love it! Although it was hard to navigate after having an IPhone. The Samsung Tablet would be so wonderful to win!!
With two kids, a hubby in school and working full time, I’d use it to keep meal plans and grocery lists organized!! Burning I know, but its my life.
My husband and I Geocache alot and this tablet would be amazing to take along for find the caches!
I’d take this tablet with my on my endless adventures of carpooling kiddos around daily!! You are a daily dose of inspiration for me as I’m trying to establish my brand and get a business running with kiddos in tow! Thanks Maggie!!
It would be amazing to have this tablet! My life as a whole would be better. I can update my etsy shop, keep my family calendar under control, shop (with Gussy of course), play games ( to keep my mind sharp) and many other things to keep my life organized.
We are going to be homeschooling our kids so I would definitely use it when we go on trips to bring books and fun school exercises on trips and even just for reading for my kids everyday.
My mother in law and I are embarking on an adventure… we’re starting up a Montessori based preschool in the fall. It has been a lot of hard work, but we are finally almost ready. A tablet would make keeping track of payments, attendance and other such records super easy and take up way less of our limited space than a designated spot for a laptop or desktop computer.
I would take it everywhere. I am a working outside of the home mom with an almost teenager and a tweenager. Life gets cray cray. Love reading your posts!
I am just embarking on this crazy adventure of motherhood! Baby girl will be two weeks old on Sunday :) The CRAZY hormones are winding down now but I’m with you… my mind will never work the same way. Looking forward to new systems and tools to help me keep my head screwed on while I try to get back to doing the things I love… with my new love bug alongside me :)
I would LOVE to use this tablet to help the transition from work to home. I so often am scribbling on post-it notes at the office, about things to do at home and vice versa. It would also be a great thing for wedding planning :) Thanks Gussy!
i’ve loved following your journey into motherhood!
I have been thinking of taking a trip with just me and my little cutie, and I could use this to keep track of all the things we did each day to share back with my hubby :)
I think that this would be a great way to eliminate all of the paperwork in my life when it comes to lists and notes I leave for myself – everything from the grocery list to a reminder to grab my sunglasses before I leave my house!
I am presently in the “waiting” mode in my life and anxious to see what God has for me going forward. Capturing my thoughts and the things He is showing me will be easier with the tablet and a great way to chronicle my journey.
Creative ideas only work if you remember them! And sometimes it just seems like too much work to pull out the laptop and fire it up when I get home from work. This would be a great way to get some quick work done while on the go or running around the house; not being tied down!
You have always been one of my favorite blogs to follow!