Welcome to the Inspiration Workshop! If you’re new here, click this link to read about the weekly linky party. Not new? Well HOORAY, you’re back! ;]
This week we’re sharing A DAY IN MY LIFE… I’m super excited about this prompt because seeing little {or big!} peeks into your life is exciting! And it makes me feel special :] Whenever I see a cool house when we’re out walking or driving I always wish I could go inside and take a look. Do you wish for that, too? This week’s prompt is kinda like taking a drive, only it’s better because I can look at so many without driving too far.
My days start out with a 7:10am wake up call via my iPhone. Shower, coffee, breakfast, hang with Zack for a few minutes before we all pile in the Jeep/take Zack to work. Once Bauer and I are back home it’s time for a walk! Bauer loooooves walks and even has doggie friends that he looks for while we’re out & about. It’s so cute! There are a few different paths we take: some are for longer walks and some are for shorter walks. Bauer cracks me up with how he’s sitting on the front step {below}…
One reason I love to walk Bauer is because of the little details life brings. Parks are plentiful around the city of Minneapolis, it’s amazing. For how long winter is, the amount of green grass, trees, pretty flowers, kiddie pools, playgrounds and ball fields makes up for it. Almost ;]
It’s usually around 10am by the time we’re done with our morning walk. Bauer is normally tuckered out so he naps while I get to work. Most days my assistants are here by now, but they don’t come every day. On the days they aren’t here I work in my studio, meet up with friends for inspiration over coffee {or lunch!}, really tackle my to-do list, etc.
On Tuesday I met up with Mary at Wise Acre. I wanted to order a pop, since they make their own, but I was good and didn’t. For lunch I ordered a warm ham & cheese sammy with a rice pilaf salad. It was super Y U M M Y!
The best way to describe this eatery is if Anthropologie opened a cafe. It was darling, fresh, delicious…
At least once a week I plan for an afternoon away from home. The rest of the week, however, I’m seriously checking things off my to-do list as fast as they’re coming at me. It’s pretty insane, and I love it so. Recently I decided it’s time to start eating healthier, which has been great because for the first time in like a year I’m now taking a lunch break. Yeah! ;]
So if I’m not eating healthy while out with a friend, I’m eating healthy at home. With Bauer praying 287 times that if I drop a small piece of turkey he’ll never bark again. I feel like this change in my diet earns me something GRAND. Don’t you agree?! Tee hehe.
The rest of the day is spent answering A LOT of email, having quick meetings with my assistants, meeting with other bloggers/biz owners via telephono chats, writing reminder notes, planning new projects, answering questions, and putting mail bins on the front porch. They are day-dream days.
My workdays are usually 10-12 hours long. I have a word hard, play hard mindset… so that allows me to take a 1-2 hour break in the afternoon to do whatever I want. Normally I sit outside with Bauer and read/play with him. Other times I paint my nails ♥.
Yesterday I put on my bathing suit {it’s a bandeau top, promise!} and the pup and I headed to the back yard. It’s little details like this that make my workday seem so different from years past. Before May 2010 I was NOT doing things like this, however I wasn’t satisfied either.
But I’m able to now and I LOVE IT! I get asked all the time, “So you’ve always loved to sew?”
It’s not that I didn’t not love it, I just never knew I loved it until 2.5 years ago when I found Etsy and decided I needed to learn the trade, too.
Zack and I start our work days later than most, we eat dinner later than most, we both work a lot, we dream a lot, we love to be outside and hang out with friends and are pretty much obsessed with our dog. But you didn’t know that, right?
Say you didn’t know that.
So that’s my life! Each day is different from the one before and the butterflies are still there when I get out of bed in the morning and walking over to my home office and studio.
Join the linky party below with your interpretation of the prompt you chose by sharing your blog post with us!

Want to join us next Thursday? Next week’s prompt is GARDENING. If you want extra inspiration, or to read about the prompt in full, sign up for our newsletter BY tonight (Thursday). The prompt for week #11 will be emailed Friday, August 4th and the linky party for week #11 will be Thursday, August 11th.
aww LOVE this!! loved seeing a glimpse into gussy’s life!!!
I cannot tell you how long I thought that when you talked about Bauer you were talking about your son! How I glossed over that bit of information is beyond me.
haha — seriously? that is really cute :)
You are too cute with that little Pup of yours. It says a lot about a person’s character when they love their pets like children. ;-) On another note, I’m Super Stoked that next week’s prompt is Gardening! Woo Hoo!
it isn’t letting me link up :( until i can get it to work you can check out my post on my blog. http://www.babyboybakery.blogspot.com.
oops nevermind i linked up!
happy again! haha
fun stuff! it’s always nice to get a peek into your life, friend! :)
Well, I’m always a day late and a dollar short. My post this week is about the beach. We’re going soon and I can’t contain myself! I wasn’t adventurous enough to document my day this time. I enjoy seeing what everyone else comes up with though.
Fun day! I love your one glittery nail – I’m rocking that right now too (same nail and everything!) Also love your hair straight!!
Sad I can’t link up this week – camera issues :(
Okay I want that cafe! Is that possible? It looks like a place where you could spend hours….
Now I really want to capture a day in your life! I’m gonna send you an email. :)
Boy this really brings out the voyeur in all of us…lol Thanks for the sneak peek and for hosting ;)
Love it Gus Gus.