Styling my hair is something that’s taken me years to figure out. There are a lot of great products out there but what seems to be “the secret” is how much I apply, how I apply these products, and in which order. Sounds crazy, but if you have curly hair you understand :]
My hair may be fine, but I have a lot of it. It’s a mix between wavy + curly, and if I comb or brush it too much the curl falls out, so I only comb it in the shower once I’ve applied thick conditioner. I made a silly video [below] to show you step-by-step how I do my hair {Bauer even shows up in the video… silly pup!}. Lastly ~ I get my hair cut every 7-8 weeks, which helps a lot with it’s prettiness — haha.
Pantene Pro-V texture spray & shampoo/conditioner, wide-tooth comb;
thick bristle brush, blow dryer + diffuser
how I style my curly hair ~ Gussy Sews from gussy sews on Vimeo.
If you have any tips on how you style your hair [or questions], leave a comment below! ♥
I have a confession. I printed out a picture of you, and took it to my hairdresser to show her how I wanted my bangs cut. Sssshhhhhhh!
oh my goodness ~ that totally made me laugh. how cute are you?! :]
I did the same thing. Now I feel 75% less creepy.
OMG!! Thank you, i was thinkin the same thing as Tessa, i love your part/bangs!! Next you’ll have to give a tuturial on your eye makeup! :) Love your blog & products! …oh, and HI Bauer!
I am doing the exact same thing RIGHT NOW. :)
I did the same thing!!! Ha ha ha!
I loved this! My hair is SO similar to yours and I actually style it with the same techniques, but different products and I don’t blow dry usually. Thanks for doing this! You’re adorable and I LOVE your hair!
Loved it – hope we can get together soon, adorable girl! Remind me to tell you about the jingle I dreamt I wrote for you. :) And, just so you know – my kids used to always try to get away with stuff when I was busy (still do – who am I kidding?!). xoxo
“My hair may be fine, but I have a lot of it. It�s a mix between wavy + curly, and if I comb or brush it too much the curl falls out”
I feel like you just described MY hair! Except I�ve never tried to wear mine curly. If I sleep with it wet then it�s a crazy (ugly!) style of curly/wavy/straight. I have a diffuser since it came with my blow dryer so I�m just going to have to try it out!
You are such a Mommy to your naughty dog! So cute :)
And in regards to hair, I’m another one who never learned to be “good” at styling my hair. And I have super fine, fairly thin hair, SUPER stick straight. Sigh.
Thanks for showing this! I’m in dire need of a cut for my ‘fro… and yours is adorable! I’ve been wanting to try bangs, but mine is pretty curly in the front.. I’ll have to try your technique of pinning it down..
First, you’re all kinds of adorable. Second, I feel that if I were to do a vlog, I would be talking to my dog too because he would be chewing on something or getting into something and being crazy just because he knows I’m busy. It’s a good thing these pups are so cute and lovable, huh? :)
LOVE this post. I also have curly hair and my cut is similar to yours. I just learned the “brush your hair in the shower” tip and noticed a difference right away! I’m going to try a few of the products that you use. I’m always looking for something to tame the curl! HA!
From one curly girl to another….THANKS!
You are just a doll! I have curly/wavy hair as well. Although mine is thick and dry and weird texture sometimes because of the many medications I’m on. I love the Pantene stuff they have been releasing lately but I’ve been trying to use more organic stuff these days! Do you know any natural brands that work well with curly hair?
Thanks so much!
Have a happy day!
Celebrate you.
Try the brand Abba. They are vegan/all natural/paraben free, and they have a great curl line. Not sure where you can get it though, I get mine at a beauty supply store for hair dressers. Just try searching it and see where it comes up at?! Good luck!
I am SO jealous of your cute wavy/curly hair! I have sort of similar hair, so with your tips, I might try your techniques tomorrow and see what happens. Too bad I don’t have a cut for another 2 weeks!
P.S. Your brush is called a paddle brush. :-) And for those who don’t have the bang volume like Gussy, drying with a large round brush will help get that same look. Also, to get that perfect side swipe, try drying your bangs the opposite way first! I hope that makes sense!
soooo cute!c. My hair is so similar to yours. I actually style mine similar too, with products and diffuser. I think of ladies who have curly/wavy hair learn early on what works and doesn’t work for our hair. :) I love your bangs, I actually use a straightener on mine, but might try doing it your way…and the other thing I love is your cut!!! I did the same thing as some of your other followers. I cut and pasted your picture in my ‘hair file’ for cute haircuts!!!!! :)
LOVE it! I am in the cities, and looking for a new stylist who can cut curly hair… PLEASE say you can help a girl out!!! I need a good cut!!
added to say that when I have lots of time or special occasion I have been known to straighten my whole head of hair. (this is how the hubs likes it) so if I am going out with him I will take the time, well sometimes anyway…cuz I know he likes it like that! LOL most of the time it is like it is now, wild and curly! :)
Maggie – you are ADORABLE! Thanks for posting this. Bauer is so hilarious – totally preparing you for having kids! ;)
you are too cute.
My hair is long, thick, and stick-straight: pretty much a horse’s tail. However, using phosphate-free shampoo has made a world of difference for me. If someone feels like their hair is just not as soft as it used to be, try something like the Loreal Ever Pure. My stylist recently informed me that the Pantene I was using is terrible for your hair.
I would love to have your rockin’ hair!
Thanks for sharing this!! I have curly/wavy hair too and still don’t know how to manage it.
I think you should do a makeup tutorial – I love your makeup!
my hair is natural curly and i straighten it every other day. i can get away without washing it everyday because it’s not oily! if only i had had a straightener in high school & jr high. life may have been a bit easier!
LOVE~love~love this vlog!
Smiled and giggled the whole way through!
You brave cute girl with your CLIP!
And that Bauer…how FUNNNy is he wanting to be the STAR in the vlog!
Your hair is FAB!
Totally suits your personality!
Love the layers in the back!
Cute Cute…that’s what you are!
Doogan sends wags!
I have curly/wavy hair with a couple “surprise” straight sections that love to rear their ugly heads if the humidity is low. I absolutely ADORE the Aveda Defining Whip. It is the only product I’ve ever used that could hold down my flyaway baby hairs without making my head look shiny or crisp…or weighing my thin hair down. Awesome stuff.
Winston would like to see a video of how Bauer does his hair.
You are so cute! I love your hair style. I had a few questions… is is actually shorter in the back or just layered in the back? I bought supplies made especially for curly hair and this woman/company says to never layer curly hair. But yours looks great layered!
Our dog also loves to tear the stuffing out of things and try to eat it! lol
I also wanted to ask… I read your blog through my google reader and in your feed at the bottom there are links that say, ’email this & number of comments & share on facebook’. How do you get these to show up in the reader/your feed? I have only found an option to have partial or full posts in a feed.
Jennifer, my stylist always layers my hair. I think it probably depends on the thickness and texture of your hair. Mine is fine and wavy/curly {kinda like Gussy’s}, so without layers, it falls very flat. I imagine the layered rule might apply differently to gals with thick hair or really tight curls.
You are so funny with your clip and blow dryer. I loved your hair when I met you at Blissdom, so this was fun to watch. :)
okayyy – fantastic post. from one curly girl to another, i’m ALWAYS looking for tips and tricks on how to style my hair. i only JUST found out about using leave in conditioner to help with the curl (keeps them defined, and not frizzy – CRITICAL).
i totally do the same thing with my bangs – i actually go out with wet curly hair (live in CA so its not a problem) and let it air dry – but i almost always will blow out my “bangs” or the hair framing my face – b/c for some reason those curls just can’t be controlled! :)
love it gussy!
and ps i love seeing other girls embrace the curls. i flip flop between leaving it curly and straightening – but i think a lot of that is peer pressure! seeing you rock the curls makes me want to stay on team curly girlie!
You are so adorable!!! What a cute freakin’ vlog!!! Brave too, I might add!! I was sent over here from Teresa’s blog and I’m so glad she sent me! Bauer is a sweetheart and you treat him the same way I treat my two girlz!!! Love the tutorial!! Great Job!! I’m ever so grateful that my daughter is my hairdresser and she knows exactly what to do! Have a fabulous weekend!!
Love your hair!!! I always assume people just roll out of bed with fabulous hair. Mine is stick straight and fine. I haven’t figured it out yet, but i think I need to do some serious experimenting.
Loved your vlog! I too have curly hair. I used to wear it long with bangs (that I blew straight) and hardly ever got it cut. After having kids and pulling it in a ponytail almost every day, I decided to go short.
Mine is about chin length. Long in the front with layers in the back. Very similar to yours but a bit shorter. I usually use a round brush to blow out the top and front abit and then let the rest curl.
Lately I’ve been considering going back to bangs. Mine have grown out with each haircut until they are now the same length as the rest of my hair on the front sides. I just can’t decide what to do!
I also have the bangs curling at will problem, especially when it is humid or rainy.
To bang or not to bang? That is the Question. (we’re taking abou thair here!) lol
LOVE this! Thank you! Now I feel all inspired. :) And, your hair is GORGEOUS! Love it.
Bauer has definitely reached the TERRIBLE TWO’s…… funny that he knew you were busy and that he could be naughty……. ha ha he he!
Loved looking at you and hearing your voice for 12 minutes oh, and 17 seconds…….. it’s a good thing I’m coming to visit soon!!!!
Hugs to you!
i live in the same area, have similar hair (that I hate right now) and I have to know– where do you get it cut?
We are hair twins, and I have never known how to do my hair! I’ll have to try some of these tips, although my hair’s longer so I don’t know if the curls would be weighed down too much. Did you say that your hair was still long enough to put in a ponytail? I went back and re-listened and still couldn’t figure out if you said “can” or “can’t”! Thanks for the vlog!
This tutorial has done wonders for my hair styling routine! My favorite tip was to only comb your hair in the shower and not when you get out. So simple but brilliant! Thank you SO much for posting this!
I’m just now getting the chance to sit down and watch this…I love it!! You are so adorable, and I love Bauer popping in & out… :)
Question: I usually straighten my bangs with a flat iron. Would blow drying them be easier?
I love this! You are so adorable! I have wavy hair and I just cannot figure out what to do with it! I have to work to get it straight or curly but this gave me a lot of ideas! Thanks for sharing your products too! And I agree that you need to do a makeup vlog next!
Do you ever wear it straight? Or do you get it cut for the curl? Make sense?
Oh and one more…your bangs look styled a do you style them? Flat brush? Ok I’m done now. ;-)
You are cute personified. ;) Loved it – even though I have long straight hair.
Thanks for this!
Has me pondering getting bangs tomorrow at my hair appointment!
you are so cute, great job on the video. watching you try to control/ignore your dog was like looking in a mirror! thanks for the tute.
your vlog was adorable. seems like a lot of us have these crazy curls and it helps to see how others manage them!!! you are too cute…..bauer is a cutie patootie as well!!!
thanks so much for posting your products too!!!! great tutorial!
Enjoyed the vlog. You are so sweet.
You are too funny! I loved your video post. I also have curly hair, so it was fun watching how you do your hair and what products you use. I’m not a big blogger yet, but I love crafting and sharing with others.
[…] how I style my hair {similar to this video but just a tad different now}: Shampoo + condition in the shower. Comb hair with a wide tooth comb […]
Thanks for sharing! Your curls look stunning and shinny! Keep up your work, Its interesting!