♥ [Coldplay has a new song]
I really, really love Coldplay. They released Viva La Vida in the spring of 2008. It was constantly on the radio and I remember waking up to it in the morning more often than any other song. This was before we were married… when Zack and I were engaged. It’s such a wonderful feeling when I hear that song. Zack and I were married shortly after it was released and we were living in an apartment — I still remember the way it smelled {like vanilla :] }, all the light that come into the living room, the little stacked washer/dryer back in the kitchen, the humungo walk-in closet ;] That apartment holds so many great feelings, and in a way I really miss our first home. It’s crazy to think that shortly after getting married we would move to Detroit, then we’d lose our jobs, then we’d become an unemployed couple for the next 7 months. Little side note: We were married on the 7th :] {I have to remind myself some times that yes, unemployment really did happen to us.}
And now we’re in Minneapolis. We both pray hard that we’ll be back in Michigan one day. Some day. Please, God… Know what’s odd? We haven’t found a song/album yet for Minneapolis, which is totally weird because this is the longest place we’ve lived since being married. And we don’t have a song. This is like, 7th grade terrible *wink*.
It seems like music has always been a fun part of our marriage. When we were in Lansing Viva La Vida was “our song”. Then in Detroit, the entire Dave Matthew’s Band album Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King was “our song”. {If you haven’t listened to that album from track 1 through track 13 you absolutely must. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the way each songs leads into the next. Musical perfection.}
And now Coldplay has Christmas Lights and we’ve only listened to it 274 times so far. Love ♥
This “remembering memories” post is part of a new series inspired by photos or other things that spark a memory from my life — a fun way to get to know a little more about Gussy ♥
Such a sweet post. =) Zac (my husband) and I talk about how Van Morrison is the “sound” of us. Nice hear others have their little themes, too. =)
I love how music’s like that!!! My husband Tim and I took our first summer vacation married in 2008 and we listened to that Coldplay album the whole time! Now everytime I hear it, I think of all our adventures in Northern MI! :) Check out OneRepublic, Seabird, Mae, or Muse… Those are some fun artists we like to listen to!
Wow… another Michgander couple praying hard to “go home” someday. Totally there with you!
Hello from a blog follower! thanks for sharing the great song! I love the colorful piano. I wanted to make sure you knew about the No coast event happening at the global market this weekend. It’s swell and sorta made me think of you and your stuff.
even though I don’t know you, I think “yeow” now when something fun happens….although in my world I say “ye-ow”…thanks for inspiring and sharing!
Great post about song. There are so many places and moments in my life defined by sound and music. I always equate Norah Jones for the time when we lived in San Diego.
Sigh. And Minnesota isn’t that bad. <> Although all that snow last night really threw our traffic into a tailspin.
another Minnesota gal
OMG I also have emotional ties to Coldplay’s Viva La Vida. My fiance and I traveled to Barcelona (where they recorded it) right when it was released, and both listened to it non-stop the whole trip. That album is pure love and happiness to me.
Thanks for sharing their new song!