Ya’ll, I have a soul-bursting announcement…

I have put in my 2-weeks notice at my day job,
and in 14 days I’ll be working exclusively on Gussy!!!
Can you believe it?
I’m not sure if I believe it’s REALLY here — that it’s REALLY time to be sharing this, making this public. Now you’re probably wondering, What is the Family Goal for?
Well… that is another surprise and I think it will be revealed in exactly 2 weeks. Can you wait two weeks? Please say yes.
The most exciting part has just begun: Monday, May 17 is my first day as an exclusive Gussy girl.
But… also in two weeks I have some advice to share and tips to reveal on how Zack and I were able to get to this amazing, exciting, LIFE-CHANGING goal.
Yep — Zack was and is a big part of it all :]
OK. I’m going to step away from the computer and let this soak in some more. My brain is just a little, tiny bit tired. Keeping secrets is hard, you know. Tee he he.
I did it! I did it! Yeowwwwwwwwww!
And ya’ll helped :] Thank you!
My heart is just sooo happy…

Congrats!!! That’s awesome!
Yay! So happy for ya! :) Go Team Gussy!
Yipppeeeee! Congrats, what an awesome achievement!
Congratulations Gussy Girl!!!!!!!! What an amazing time :)
WOW! Congratulations! That is SO AWESOME! God’s blessin’ you! :)
that is so fantastic :) prob the greatest news ever for you :)
WOOOO HOOOOOOO!!! Way to keep dreaming + using the gifts God’s given you!!!
What wonderful news! Congratulations!! I am so excited for you. :)
SO excited for you, girl. You are amazing.
huge congrats!!!
Yeah! So happy for you! Now, try not to burst in the next two weeks and then Get Your Gussy On! ;)
Yippie!!! Congrats to you and Zach. How exciting! I’m so happy for you and can’t wait to see how Gussy transforms for you. Best of luck for you guys and Gussy!!!
WOW! I have been putting off buying a Gussy until I find the perfect one, so hopefully that will happen soon & I can help support you! What a cool endeavour. I think most people who like to create would just LOVE to have that opportunity.
Congratulations!! That is so exciting, I am so happy for you! You are going to have so much fun being exclusively a Gussy Girl!
Congrats, Maggie! That is so great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YAY!!! congrats maggie! that is just so, so exciting! all of your hard work has paid off!! i was thinking that this is what the family goal was all about, but it sounds like you have another surprise in store! so happy for you!
YEOW! Ok, I have to say that I am not surprised because I had a feeling, but I thought that was what the goal was so now…another surprise! Yes, I can wait because I heart surprises…especially when they’re wrapped all cute {like in a Gussy ruffle}!
Oh, and kisses and hugs, cuz WOWZA!!!!
Wow what a big, huge step!!!!!!! That’s amazing! Congratulations!
Thats amazing I hope my roughly 11 purchases helped haha! I was hoping that was your announcement how wonderful that you get to have gussy be your fulltime job!!!!! YAY!
I am so happy for you. That’s so awesome! I honestly thought that’s what your family goal was, so I’m uber interested in what it is now. Many congrats to you girl. You deserve it!!!!
Congratulations! This is a BIG deal!
So happy for you! Congratulations!
So, so happy for you!
I love that you said “y’all”.
I am so happy for you Gussy Girl.
I pray for huge blessings.
Love you!
*So* pleased for you Maggie. You’ve definitely got the drive & determination to make a real go of it. Wishing you loads of luck! :0)
YAY!!!! Congrats! I am SO happy for you!!! Way to go, your dreams are coming true…what a great feeling. Way to go!
Enjoy the weekend and celebrate BIG!
I KNEW it!!!!! Yay!!!!! So, so, SO happy for you.
congrats! I can’t wait to see all the awesome things you churn out once you become a full time gussy girl. Must feel so good :)
That’s awesome! Congrats!!!! =) Can’t wait to hear how you have done this!
Congrats!! So exciting!! Can’t wait to hear the other announcement in 2 LONG weeks!! lol!! =)
yea, yea, yea!! So tickled to hear the news! I knew it wouldn’t take you too long…so wonderfully, very exciting…know you and Zack are both celebrating! Awesome!!
Oh, I just knew this day was coming! I’m so happy for you!!! And YES, YES I can wait another 2 weeks to the hear the rest of the news! GO GUSS!
I knew that was coming!!!! CONGRATS!! So happy for you!!! :o) Can’t wait to hear the other surprise!
WOO HOO!!! So, SO excited for you!! :) You are such an amazing inspiration!! Love seeing your dreams unfold!
wow! thanks awesome that you can make a living off of it!! (sitting here in jealousy…)
Congrats!!! So happy for you!
umm how cool is that?? i am so excited for you!!
i think it gives all of us sewers that glimmer of hope that we could support our life doing what we love. you are AMAZING, lady!!
keep on rockin’.
Ooooh, that is AWESOME, girl!! I know that you are through the roof with excitement!! I am feelin’ the freedom FOR ya! Great goin~! <3
congratulations! what terrific news and absolutely SO soul-inspiring!
xoxo, juliette
That’s soooo exciting.! I am soo happy for you.!
Congratulations! That is wonderful news.
*So* stinkin’ excited for you!
That is so exciting! Congrats. :)
Go, Gussy, Goooooo!
Seriously Maggie, I am SO excited for you. How amazing to be able to Gussy full time?!?! I can’t wait to find out what the next big news is. ;D
love + hugs,
♥ Jacky
Whoo-hoo!!!! How exciting! I am so happy for you :-)
YAY!!! How exciting for you and Zack! Congrats Maggie, you deserve it!!! I can’t wait to find out the BIG news!!! Have a great weekend!
I’m very happy for you, congratulations!! Yay!!
That is amazing, Maggie! And now I’m totally confused because I thought that was going to be the big announcement when the family goal got to 100%. Crap… back to square one… ;-)
Congrats! So happy for you and wish you the best of luck!
That’s wonderful. You are very talented and I know you will be successful.
YAY! You go girl! I’m so happy for you! I know the feeling :) I love working from home and I know you will, too – CONGRATS!
~ Kristen
Congrats!!!! So excited for you!
Woot! Woot! Way to go Guusy.
I mean way to go Gussy!
SUPER like!
Congratulations!! So excited for you!
Very exciting news!!!!! Way to go girl!!!!
Oh that is just awesome! How exciting that you will be able to work Gussy full time!
You are AMAZING! And God is GREAT! How wonderful! :-D
congrats, girl! :) you are an inspiring lady!
Dearest Daughter:
You know Dad and I are so very proud of you and what you have accomplished in a very short time! Continue to follow your heart and God’s Word for He is the way, the truth, and the light!
Hugs and hugs and kisses and kisses to you!
That’s fantastic Maggie!
Oh, and I guess I was wrong about the count up! Teehee!
Congratulations, what a dream come true! God is so good :)
yay for you gussy girl! i am so proud of you!
congratulations!! I saw the news on facebook and had to come read the official announcement ; ) that’s amazing, congrats again!
EEEEEEEEKKKK!!! Oh my goodness! I am so happy for you!!! How excited! Keep up the awesome work. I can’t wait to see what your big news is after hearing this!!! Keep the good news coming!!! It is so exciting to see God’s work. It gives me goose bumps! Praise God!!!! He is so loving and gracious. Look what He had done for you!!!! I can’t wait to see what else he has planned for you and your hubby!!! :D
Hugs to you!
Oh congratulations!!! So many people out ther wishing they did (me of course!)
You are very talented and this is going to work perfectly!
This is so exciting! And SO inspiring! Congrats and this amazing accomplishment!!
Congrats!! That’s so awesome – I had a feeling this was coming! I can’t wait to hear the other bit of news!
That’s so exciting! I’m so happy for you and the Gussy business!
Such fantastic news and SO well deserved! I often wonder how on earth you do so much-but now you can focus 100% on Gussy and that is just so super thrilling! I can’t wait to see what you are going to do with your business now-imagine the possibilities! Look at what you accomplished while working another job—and now to be blessed to get to focus on Gus-splendid!!!
ps-if you get a chance, wonder over to my bloggie where there is a giveaway going on right now! yippee! :)
Congratulations!!! What an amazing accomplishment. I can only hope that one day I can achieve that for myself…and it’s that hope that keeps me going at the day job for now :)
Congratulations, lady!!!! So happy for you. I thought this would be the big announcement when you hit 100%, but there is another surprise?!?!?!?! Awesome and can’t wait to hear. :)
What a blessing! Congrats to you both and I wish you a world of success :) I know you’ll be great!
Congrats! So happy for you!
Great job, Gus! You are an inspiration to us all!
WOW, that is sooo amazing!! I am sooo happy for your Maggie and GO GUSSY!!!!!! I am excited for all the things that you will have in store for us, you are already soo successful already that I am sure this move will take you to even more heights!! =)
You know, I’ve really been working on not swearing. But this deserves it. YOU ARE SUCH A BAD-ASS!! :) So happy & excited for you… what a fun adventure you’re on, lady!
Hurray!!!! You GO girl! Congratulations!
Looking forward to the other part of your news too!
Het x
O.K…… So, Is this the first step of you guys trying to add a gussy baby to your family? or has it already happened? Whatever it is, HAPPY 4 U & Congrats!!!
WOW! Congratulations!
Hey Maggie! I knew this was your count! so happy for you.. streamlining and doing your one love will make you just so happy I’m sure!
and love love the Dave Ramsey way! :) Don’tcha’ wanna just scream out his favorite phrase!
Crazy-go-nuts! I’m so happy for you!! :]
yeah yeah yeah! way to go. huge applause.
That is Awesome news!!!
Oh Maggie! I’m so excited for you and Zach! How wonderful that God has blessed the two of you in this way. Can’t wait to hear more about this incredible season you’re in!
Congrats Maggie! You are so sweet. And you so deserve this!
I’m so happy for you Maggie & Zack!!!! The fun has just begun! :]
xoxox, LA
Congratulations, Maggie! What a blessing!
[…] seems as though writing my last post {I did it! I did it!} was the “OK” to suddenly become exhausted. Oy! Zack and I celebrated Friday night, and […]
Congratulations!!!! So excited for you. Can’t wait to hear the next round of news!
yeah gussy!! that is awesome! what a blessing for you and zach. keep up the hard work :)
have a fantastic day!
eeeeeeeeeeeh!!! That is so exciting!! Congratulations! :))))
okay okay….so i have a confession…i totally LOVE your site, your designs, your personality…everything! you are such a cutie and i feel sure that if we lived in the same area we would have to meet!!
i quit my marketing job to be a stay at home mom two years ago! i am sooooooo proud of you that you get to throw yourself full-time into your awesome sewing gig!!
you have inspired me to learn to sew…seriously…i’m going at the end of the month to pick out a sewing machine with a friend who knows way more than I do (by the way…if you have a suggestion for what a first-timer should buy, I would gladly appreciate it!)
love the blog…keep it coming:):)
Thrilled beyond thrilled for you, Gussy girl.