Yesterday I had a hair appointment. I love getting my hair cut. The oil/scalp massage, the shampoo on a high-top table {yes, a table!}, and then the constant combing/playing with hair… ahhh… blissful :)
I slipped out on my lunch break to enjoy all this, but before I went into Juut I went to Target.
Again I say, ahhh…
This Target is super cool. It’s in downtown Minneapolis, it’s two stories, and it has a gorgeous glass store-front. I heart it. The first picture on the left is of Target.
Why did I go into Target? Well, I needed to do something really important for Zack. {I needed to buy him some deodorant.} And then I decided I needed to fine my pink lip-gloss.
You see, I went to Target yesterday after work. During that trip, I bought a few essentials for Blissdom. But once I got home I realized I forgot my lip-gloss in the cart. At Target. In. The. Cart.
Gussy wanted new lip-gloss — I can’t believe I forgot it!!!!
I was crushed. Seriously, I was.
You know when you want to pick up a little something for yourself {less than $5, too!}? Remember how excited you get? Yeah, that was me. And then I left it in the darn cart. Sigh…
I sure hope I don’t leave anything behind on my trip to Blissdom. Like my pajamas, my mousse, or the handful of Gussies I plan on bringing. Or my mascara. Or my warm boots.
But, I suppose it’s OK if I leave any of those things at home here. Because no matter what I’m going to have an incredible time. I can’t wait to share all the little surprises I have up my sleeve. Yes, surprises :)
While I’m at it, I feel like I may shove my gloss up my sleeve, too, {some-what resembling a great-great-grandma and her tissues} just to ensure I remember to bring it.
I have to have my new lip-gloss on.