We have a winner of the Fern & Flora headband:

I am pretty jealous. I love that headband and if I could I would snatch it right out of that picture. But I am a nice Gussy and I’m giving it {I mean Emily is giving it} to Kaylan. Yeow for her :)
So over the weekend Zack and I saw the movie “Everyone’s Fine.” Has anyone else seen it? Gosh, it was a tear jerker. It’s possible even Z cried. But I can’t confirm that. We also browsed the mall and said “I want this for Christmas” ten hundred thousand times.
Gap has so many cute things. Like this ruffly top. OK fine, so Gap had a big “buy one top, get one top free” sale so we snatched a few things up for each other, for Christmas, to not wear until Christmas!
I wanted this top so badly but they didn’t have my size. I could have gotten the size they did have stocked, however the front “seam” of the button-up shirt stopped at approximately my armpits. No need to display ta-ta’s over the holidays. Thanks.
Santa also bought me this shirt. Santa was nice and allowed me to try it on, too. Thanks, Santa.
I feel like this could easily turn into a big “I want” post. So I better stop while I’m ahead.
GOODNESS GRACIOUS, I cooked up the most delicious meal last night. Chicken Peanut Satay with rice and a killer salad: romaine, vidalia onion dressing, sun dried tomatoes & feta. YUM-O! I’ll have to post the recipe.
Prior to cooking a GOODNESS GRACIOUS meal, I did some sewing.
2 Gus for Work laptop bags
5 Ruffle Gus wallets
8 Skinny Gus zipped pouches
5 Lovely Gus zipped pouches
+ 5 custom orders.
I’m anticipating they’ll be available late afternoon today.
I’ve also got a few custom order slots filled for this next year. If you’re interested in a custom Gussy item please type me a little email. I’d loooove to reserve you a spot and sew something for you!
Alright, I should stop typing before I share embarrassing information like how I slip on our kitchen floor four times a day {just check the bruise on my arm}.