I know it’s Monday morning, and I know you all are waiting ever-so-patiently to see who won this pouch:
I’ll be a nice Gussy and tell you that it was Sara Broers at All in an Iowa Mom’s Day! Hooray :) Big cheers to Sara! Contact me, you lucky woman, with your mailing address!
Oh, and that I’m NOT pregnant. Sorry if any of you were really thinking that. Trust me, there is no BabyGussy news here. Nope!

I tweeted this, not expecting any responses:
So tee-he-he’d and wrote this back:
Ohhhh, and also this weekend I made Hubby a b/w houndstooth pouch for his MacBook cords. He is in love with it. I’m pretty sure he’s going to sleep with it. Just kidding. Anyways, hehe, look at how cute it is with the Shady Gus accessory pouches:
Maybe your man wants a zipped pouch for his manly man man things?!