Just trying to start off the week on the right foot. Isn’t that what we hope and wish for when Monday rolls around?! That things go our way, we aren’t late, we remember to bring our lunch to work, the day goes by fast, and alas, we can head home and relax before Tuesday comes.
That is how I like my Monday’s to go.
So, how was your weekend?
Did you find a few hours to relax? I sure hope so :)
This weekend I was able to start on my big to-do list. Right now I’m working on a knitting bag for my mom {Mama Gus}. It’s about 80% complete. I also realized {soon enough} that not sewing for 26 days wasn’t the best idea.
But like I had any say in that, right?!
I think this whole OK-we-are-moving-to-Minneapolis-in-three-days-Ready-Set-Go! thing is still really, really exhausting. I don’t know if it’s because during my entire I’m-supposed-to-be-sleeping-but-I’m-really-not-sleeping sleep I argue with myself about which state I live in.
{Because some days I can’t believe we live here now.}
Michigan. Minnesota. Michigan. Michigan. Minnesota. Michigan. Minnesota.
This weekend marked our second week of being in a new state with a brand new job, yet I still feel as if we just moved in.
And now I’m rambling.
And now I’m talking {typing} to myself out loud.
My sweet nephew Collin starts 4-year-old preschool today. We talked on the phone last night for a few minutes.
He greeted me with, Hi Maggie!!!!!!!!
Oh, hello Collin, am I no longer your aunt?
I could tell he was super excited about starting preschool by the number of times he laughed when I asked him about it :) So adorable.
In between laughs he found time mention that Nicholas would be in his class…
Soon after he told me, Hold on a sec.
{he sets the phone down.}
In the background I can hear, Who is on the phone? {pause} Is she still there? {pause} Well pick up the phone and talk to her please.
Hi Aunt Maggie. Yeahhh, I just talked to your dad!
It is SO HARD to not roar with laughter over the things Collin says.
My goodness! :)
Zack and I are so glad Collin was able to stay at our house for a few days this summer. I’m not sure who loved the adventure more: Collin or Aunt Maggie. Or Zack, because after all, they did grill together.
Entry details:
- For one entry, you must leave a positive comment about your weekend
- For a second entry, follow my blog and tell me you are
- For a third entry, visit my Etsy shop and tell me which item you’d love to own
- And, for a forth entry, follow me on twitter
Ready, set, go!
{and good luck}