Brrrrrr! Fall has arrived in Minneapolis! I could see Zack’s breath this morning on our walk to work. The season is approaching fast… I hope winter doesn’t visit Minneapolis that abruptly. Who am I kidding? I’m sure it will :) Gussy is prepared, though! My cute mittens will be arriving this week. I just know I’m going to treasure them; they are so adorable. Have you ordered anything new for the season?

And, it smells great.
Double bonus.
I’m really loving the cooler weather.
Pillows, special yellow blankets, and to-die-for candle scents are on the top of my favorites list! I also found my yarn and knitting needles. I’m working on my domestic skillz by sewing a little cozy for our bookshelf.
Another great cold-weather fav. is my crock pot. Last night we had Upside Down Chicken Pot Pie. Tonight we’re having Tomato Basil Bisque Soup with Gourmet Grilled Cheese.
{That means like three slices of cheese!}
We should do a recipe swap, yes?
Some houndstooth fabric, of course.
My friend Natalie suggested the idea to me and I love it! :)

How lovely are these hand dyed ribbon roses?!
{I’d love a bowl of them for around the house.}
Buy them for me?
Lastly, did you know Gussy is having an Etsy sale? In addition to the two giveaways you could enter {I believe they end soon}, there’s a sale to celebrate 150 Etsy transactions. Sweet!
{Actually, I’m at 151, but that’s a bit besides the point, right?}
The sale looks like this:
Go ahead, click the banner, visit my site,
and tell me your thoughts — they are always welcomed.