I’ve got so many wonderful things to share, which is great because…
First off, Zack and I have our cars back! And they are fixed! AND WE ARE SOOOOOOO HAPPY!!! The transmission in my VUE has been replaced and the door on Zack’s car has been replaced + painted. We’re super pumped to be back in the playing field. It’s been a long 2 months or so.
Second, Zack and I are going to be moving soon and we haven’t the slightest clue where. It could be to another house in Detroit, another city in Michigan, or to another state. We have about a month to make a decision and we’re really hoping to move because one of us accepted a job offer. If you haven’t been around here lately, Gussy + hubbs are looking for work. Desperately looking, might I add. If you know of a booming city or company, please let me know. I can be reached at whitley.maggie@gmail.com. If we don’t move because a job we’ll more than likely move to where there the jobs overfloweth / the state is in the positive. With 2 moves, 3 job losses, and 2 car breakdowns, it has been an interesting year of marriage. BUT WE’RE STILL WINNING because we have faith God has a great plan for us. I sort of feel like He is doing all this to show us something mega cool… which I haven’t been included in on the plans, which is OK, but still… I’m very interested to know our future holds.
So, remember, send me sweet jobs, OK? :)
Third, I have a new button for my blog. If you have my old button on your blog, pretty, pretty, pretty please update the HTML code. Look for this on my sidebar:
If you don’t currently have my button but would like it, you can add it anyways! :) That would be fun. At least I think so, ha ha :)
PS. I almost typed “butt” instead of “button” — Good catch, Gussy!
Fourth, I have approximately 26 almost-complete-but-not-quite-complete sets of GUSSY products ready and waiting to be sewn up. Can you believe it?!?!? Talk about Sweat Shop! I just hope I have enough time tomorrow to get everything done.
Just kidding.
I’m not like that.
Fifth, my friend Megan, from PrettythingsbyMeg, has a big sale going on right now. Pretties for your ears {and neck and wrist}. Here are a few pics to tease your eyes :) Who knows how long they’ll be on sale! Better make that purchase now before it’s too late:
Lastly, I’d like to give my husband, Zack, a big shout out. Not only did he take the laundry from me on Thursday so I could do other things {he does things like this occasionally and it’s super amazing}, but while following each other home from Petoskey last night he stopped at two Rest Area’s so he could 1.) give me a hug & kiss, and 2.) use some chapstick!
My husband is the best :)