My sweet friend Daniella from Learning to Love Every Moment tagged me the other day. I was supposed to take a picture of myself, no primping, etc. and then tag a few other people. Well… I kinda forgot to do that :-\ So this morning {while I had a few minutes to get myself ready} I REMEMBERED. Soooooooooo, here is my picture. No judging or laughs, friends. Gussy is just trying to follow the rules. This is me and my wild hair. Love me as a whole, or don’t {and miss out on the stories}.
Next, to follow the rules and all, I am going to tag a few people: Nikki, Megan, Mandy and Sarah. Girls, don’t let me {or my hair} down :)
My day has hardly begun and already I’ve shared a few good laughs with my cousins. You see, I’m babysitting. I’m a woman of many… umm… abilities? I sew. I cook. I talk. I launder. I sleep. I play with my cousins. Sorry, back to the story! This morning I was sitting at the table with my cousin W. and her friend J. They were eating a hot dog, a strawberry, carrots… and, that’s it.
W. said to me, I like carrots. They make me strong.
I said, YEAH! They are really good for your eyes, too!
I felt proud… Amidst breakfast we had a little session of learning. However, J. totally whooped me when she said, I can see you need to eat more carrots.
I guess my glasses were the #1 clue that my eyes aren’t as good as hers.
I should have stopped there, but I couldn’t help but ask just one more question: So, what else do you want to tell me?
J. replied, You have big eyes. Like real big eyes.
Nothing further ;)