It’s time for a praise report!!!! :)
I just spent probably 7 hours sewing tonight. I finished three projects and started two {ran out of materials}. I was getting ready to put everything away but decided before I put my computer to sleep I would re-list an item on Etsy. This is what I re-listed:

However, I contemplated whether I should list it because it was pretty late {like 11 p.m.}. I thought, what the heck could it hurt? So I did…
Not ten minutes later and I had an e-mail saying it had SOLD! Ahhh, this is so wonderful. Before the devil could put anymore darkness into my day our LORD made Himself known. This is exactly what I needed as an end to my day. My hubby is home from snowboarding, we had a wonderful evening together, and I made some $$$.
I’m at sale #10 :)